
Committee Duties

The Group Committee meets twice or more times per school term, but may meet more often if this is considered necessary.

The main functions of the committee are to:

  • Provide the Group with sufficient Leaders
  • Arrange and maintain the meeting place for Keas, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers
  • Control and administer the Group assets and finances
  • Provide adequate equipment and property to support the Section programs
  • Assist the Group Leader with liaison between the Group and the community
  • Encourage social activities to assist the Group
  • Assist the Leaders with camp arrangements, and if members have the skills, with technical or specialist instruction where necessary
  • Hold an Annual Meeting

Our AGM is held in early December each year, and we would request that at a least one member of each family attends as this evening we hand out annual awards to each section. Should you feel like you would like to be more involved in our group, but do not have the time commitments to be a leader, then becoming a member of our committee is a fantastic way to do this.

Current Committee

This is the list of people who will be working together to organise us all over 2017.  If you have a question about a specific area, this is who you should be contacting.

Thanks to everyone listed below for volunteering their time to keep Captain Musick Air Scouts operating!

Role Name Contact
Chair Robyn Hellawell
Treasurer Karen Willats
Secretary Karen Naude
Secondhand Uniforms Karen Naude
Membership Diane Salter
Den Cleaning Diane Salter
Den rentals Kathryn Ironside
Badge Purchases Kim Scott
Facebook editor Kathryn Harvey
OSM Administration David Powell
Robyn Hellawell
Quartermaster Karen Willats
Section support – Keas David Powell
Section support – Cubs Ting Ting Feng
Section support – Scouts vacant  
Section support – Venturers Robyn Hellawell
First Aid Murray Delport
Grant Applications Helen Johan Ling  
Den Maintenance Jason Ironside
Website Administration Steve Shipway
IT Support (Den WiFi, Email) Steve Shipway

AGM Minutes

AGM minutes 2018